
Advertising Your Christmas Program

Three Approaches To Creating A Monument Sign For Your Founder’s Statue

Most cities have a statue or monument in a park or centrally-located plaza that is a likeness and dedication to the founder of that city. If you have such a monument/statue, or your city is about to erect one, you will need a plaque or monument sign to go with it. Here are three of the most popular options and approaches to monument signs.  Chiseled in Stone At the base or on the pedestal of the statue, you can have an expert stone chiseler chisel out dates, words, and a brief dedication. Read More 

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Advertising Your Christmas Program

The Christmas season has always been a special time for me. Growing up, my father pastored an evangelical church in my hometown. Every year, some of the parishioners at the church performed in a Christmas play. Sometimes, the subject matter of the annual play was serious. At other times, the church members performed in a Christmas comedy. Regardless of the type of program the church worked diligently on, it was always a success. If your church is planning a Christmas program this year, consider advertising it with a well-designed sign. On this blog, I hope you will discover some tips to help you design a sign to advertise your Christmas program.